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Museums you can visit from home!

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{{ weekDay }}
{{ panel.label }}
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{{ fromDate | dateToDayNumber }}

{{ fromDate | dateToMonthName }}

{{ fromDate | dateToDayName }}

{{ flexibleFromDateLabel }}
{{ option.label }}
{{ flexibleToDateLabel }}
{{ option.label }}
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Number of passengers
{{ adults }}
{{ children }}
{{ infants }}
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Confinement is favorable to culture and especially to art! While the museums are closed for security measures to face the Covid-19, many of them offer virtual tours.  So you can visit the most beautiful cultural places from your sofa for free! You can travel around the world in complete safety thanks to technology.


Here is the list of some museums :




As a bonus, to travel at a distance, you can consult the Google Arts & Culture website:


Google has launched a free service to visit museums online and discover works in high resolution! 32,000 works from 151 different museums across 40 countries are available. You shouldn't get bored!

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